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    Light Your World Blog

    2020: A year of resilience

    December 10, 2020
    2020 Reflect
    With only a few weeks left in 2020, and as I begin my second year leading Signify in the Americas, I’ve taken some time to reflect on the challenges presented, our achievements, and what we’ve learned as a team and from our customers and partners. If I had to sum up 2020 in just a few words, I’d say it was a year of resilience. 
    At the heart of resilience is the ability to adapt. We started off the year transforming our organizational structure to better address our customer needs and drive business excellence. Then, the coronavirus pandemic forced all of us to rethink the way we live, shop, work, conduct business and connect with one another. We responded swiftly to prioritize the health and well-being of our colleagues and those around us, while minimizing the impact on business continuity. We also leveraged our expertise in UV-C lighting to address the growing need for air, surface and object disinfection, and shifted focus to the many other ways where light can add essential value during this unprecedented time.
    An important source of our resilience is our purpose: to unlock the extraordinary potential of light for brighter lives and a better world. At a time when climate action is an imperative, we’ve achieved carbon neutrality and doubled our commitment to making a meaningful impact on the environment and society over the next five years. Our team’s passion for not just sustainability but also developing innovative solutions and delivering projects that transform people’s lives and communities is like no other.
    As I look ahead, I believe we’ve built the resilience to turn the page and move our business, culture and transformation forward. This next chapter will be all about embracing a digital-led future. Be sure to follow what’s to come from Signify, from enhanced digital platforms and interfaces that make it easier for our customers to get the products they need, to delivering even more incredible connected lighting experiences and services that go far beyond simple illumination.
    Philips Hue home theater


    Kevin Poyck
    Kevin Poyck

    Post tags

    innovation, sustainability, Brighter Lives Better World, transformation, digital, connected lighting, UV-C lighting

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