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    Light Your World Blog

    Leafy green grower reduces production time growing under Philips LEDs

    April 19, 2021
    canadian valley growers
    The desire for locally grown, nutrient-packed, fresh vegetables and fruit has never been greater. Increasingly, consumers have become more aware of the impact that our lifestyle choices, including the food we consume – where and how it’s grown, have on the environment and our health. However, the longer it takes for fresh produce to reach our plates, the greater the nutritional degradation. Vegetables and fruits harvested in North America may spend up to five days in transit before arriving to a distribution center, and another one to three days on display at the store prior to purchase.

    For companies, like Canadian Valley Growers (CVG), sustainable production of high-quality leafy greens, herbs and vegetables is at the core of their business.  To deliver on the growing appetite for local produce, they needed to be able to supply leafy greens quickly and sustain their crop year-round. This led them to look for a strong partner with deep knowledge and experience, to develop a custom designed, energy-saving lighting solution for their greenhouse operation, that would help them grow even during winter.


    For several decades, CVG relied on a conventional, High Pressure Sodium (HPS) system for supplemental lighting.

    We looked at multiple different lighting solutions including hybrid and straight LED for our butter leaf, multi-leaf, and teen leaf lettuce, and eventually decided to go with Philips LEDs.”


    Bill Brar

    Co-owner of CVG 

    growers new led lighting technology

    CVG installed more than 1,500 Philips LED toplighting grow lights over its leafy green propagation and finished production areas. The lighting included a tailored made light recipe, designed by our team of plant specialists and horticulture application engineers, to help achieve the best results for CVG’s specific crop and greenhouse conditions. “In propagation, we are using 220 micromoles, and in finished production, we are using 110 micromoles with very good results,” said Brar.


    The grower’s new LED lighting technology allowed it to not only meet sustainability requirements by considerably reducing energy costs, but also observe plenty of quantifiable improvements.



    The difference in propagation has been day and night. Crop time has been knocked down by almost 30%, and the product coming out of propagation has more roots and is a really nice, stacked plant.”


    Bill Brar

    Co-owner of CVG

    lettuce growth
    CVG has seen improvements in growth predictability, as well as significant improvements in lettuce quality.

    With Philips LEDs, we’ve experienced quicker crop times, heavier root mass heavier leaf mass, and better color.”


    Bill Brar

    Co-owner of CVG

    CVG can now supply fresh, sustainably grown, nutrient-packed lettuce to customers in Western Canada on the day it’s harvested, helping to meet growing demand for locally grown greens year-round.


    Interested to learn more? Read the case study here.


    Viktoria Babol
    Viktoria Babol

    Post tags

    Philips GreenPower LED toplighting, horticulture, produce grower, agriculture, grow lights, LED grow lights, greenhouse, food availability, sustainability

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