Like much of Indonesia, electricity access in South Sulawesi is still quite low, with between 41 – 60% of homes and businesses having access to the grid. Although electricity infrastructure is prevalent in most villages, it’s still considered a luxury for most low-income families who, out of necessity, remain off the grid.
Together with Kopernik – a local NGO specializing in technology to empower residents in remote villages – the Signify Foundation created the ‘Kampung Terang Hemat Energi’ program. This translates to Bright Energy-Saving Villages.
Lighting for emergency relief in Lombok
In August 2018, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake left a death toll of 560 and more than 1400 injured on the Indonesian island of Lombok. Tremors continued for weeks and thousands of buildings were damaged, ceasing all productive activities in the area.
As part of our Humanitarian Aid mission, we have donated solar lanterns to 3,492 disaster-affected community members with Kopernik. Within days of the earthquake, the Kopernik emergency response team travelled to Lombok to make the first delivery of shelter kits comprised of tarps, mats, blankets, sarongs, saws, crowbars, shovels, hammers, gloves, sledgehammers, and hoes.
At a recent site visit in 2019, we were pleased to the lanterns continuing to share the power of light!