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The Paris Agreement to combat climate change is one of the most impressive and far-reaching global deals ever done in history. Not only have 195 countries signed up to Paris, but the agreement also contains a strong call to action for corporate climate leadership. On top, in the same year 2015 the UN also adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). So, against this backdrop, what does climate leadership and sustainability stewardship really mean? How will global corporates position themselves? How can Signify, a provider of one of the keys to a low-carbon world, benefit?
In this webinar, Renat Heuberger will discuss and reflect these aspects.
Here are the learning objectives of this webinar:
Optimize your healthcare facility with smart lighting
Good lighting in patient rooms and ICUs is crucial for patient care and recovery. Attend this webinar to learn designing a patient room and addressing specific needs in Intensive care unit
The Renovation Revolution
Watch this webinar to explore collaborative strategies and actionable insights for accelerating energy renovation rates and achieving decarbonization goals under Europe's revised EPBD framework.
Formula 1 night racing
Attend this webinar to delve into the fascinating world of lighting design challenges, sustainability aspects, and technicalities when it comes to F1 night racing.