
    Antonio Cruz

    Now we have created a very powerful element of enlightenment, with absolute quality and versatility.”

    Interview by Chus Rodríguez

    Antonio Cruz
    Antonio Cruz © Juan Aroca

    Architecture has been part of Antonio Cruz’s life since his teenage years. Through the signature work of Cruz Y Ortiz Arquitectos, he has recently overseen the spectacular Wanda Metropolitano – the stadium that plays host to Atlético Madrid.

    Why architecture?
    It was an activity that combined technical and humanist knowledge that finally attracted me. It filled my expectations and that’s the way it has come part of my life. There have been teachers who gave me the guidelines that have made me understand the heart of the activity and the ones who have inspired me: Rafael Moneo, Francisco Sáenz de Oiza, Ricardo Aroca... everyone in his own particular field are the ones who have given me the keys.

    What informs your creations?
    One is constantly living and thus absorbing everything around oneself. All the architecture by other people, the formal coincidences of day to day life, dealing with the sociological moment, cinema, books, etc… everything that comes into your life. Such things around you should not be done or consumed excessively within the environment that we live in. This information should come from a whole, one must be a sponge and absorb everything that comes to it. 


    Tell us about the role light plays in the Wanda.

    The luminaires placed in the stadium at present did not exist when we started. We have lived through a moment of time in which LED technology has advanced. At the beginning of 2004 LED did not exist and only when we presented the original project, and at the end of the year it was fully available on the market. Now we have created a very powerful element of enlightenment, with absolute quantity and versatility. From simply turning the elements on and off, to controlling power intensity and colors.

    Wanda Metropolitano, Atlético de Madrid football stadium, Madrid, Spain - Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos © Enrique Lledó
    Wanda Metropolitano, Atlético de Madrid football stadium, Madrid, Spain - Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos © Enrique Lledó
    Wanda Metropolitano, Atlético de Madrid football stadium, Madrid, Spain - Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos © Enrique Lledó
    Wanda Metropolitano, Atlético de Madrid football stadium, Madrid, Spain - Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos © Enrique Lledó
    This is an excerpt from our exclusive interview with Antonio Cruz in Luminous magazine

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