
    Lights on. Carbon off.

    Build Back Greener

    Join the movement — Make the Green Switch today

    The UK's Ten Point Plan sets out the approach government will take to build back better, support green jobs, and accelerate our path to net zero. One point of focus are Greener Buildings, which puts homes, workplaces, schools and hospitals at the heart of our green economic recovery.

    For this, the government and policy makers are making billions in funding available to help the UK progress oto take immediate and aggressive climate action. But the window of opportunity is short.

    We can help you hit your sustainability goals, generate electricity savings, and protect the planet with our connected LED lighting solutions.

    Accomplish your climate goals today

    lights on video thumbnail

    How cities can become climate action heroes

    Why connected LED lighting should be the starting point for contending with climate change and the energy crisis—an exclusive insight report in collaboration with Smart Cities World.
    climate action heroes

    Save money

    The UK could save millions in energy costs per year by swapping conventional lighting for more sustainable technologies such as LED and connected lighting. This frees up funds for other important initiatives.

    Cut emissions


    Switching to connected LED lighting can reduce lighting-related energy consumption by up to 80% and decrease the UK's carbon emissions by over millions of tons per year — equivalent to CO2 sequestered by 175 million trees annually.


    We strive for an injury-free, illness-free work environment, with an emphasis on an injury-prevention mindset.
    The health and safety of our employees is a top priority. We care for our people – each employee, contractor and visitor has the right to a safe working environment.Through consistent effort, accidents and occupational illnesses can be prevented and we believe that everyone within our organization shares responsibility for achieving a world-class level in occupational health and safety performance.

    We strive for an injury-free, illness-free work environment, with an emphasis on an injury-prevention mindset.

    Free the grid

    Reducing consumption frees up energy in the grid that you can use for other applications such as EV charging and heat pumps — especially important as the cost of and demand for electricity increases.

    Target your specific needs

    Our connected lighting systems are not one-size-fits-all. We tailor to you. And because our systems are fully scalable, they grow with you too.


    We strive for an injury-free, illness-free work environment, with an emphasis on an injury-prevention mindset.
    The health and safety of our employees is a top priority. We care for our people – each employee, contractor and visitor has the right to a safe working environment.Through consistent effort, accidents and occupational illnesses can be prevented and we believe that everyone within our organization shares responsibility for achieving a world-class level in occupational health and safety performance.

    We strive for an injury-free, illness-free work environment, with an emphasis on an injury-prevention mindset.

    Partner with the world leader

    Signify is your reliable partner, bringing experience, knowledge, and an unmatched product portfolio to your project.

    Ensure your legacy

    Signify's Green Switch program provides you with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become part of the green revolution.


    We strive for an injury-free, illness-free work environment, with an emphasis on an injury-prevention mindset.
    The health and safety of our employees is a top priority. We care for our people – each employee, contractor and visitor has the right to a safe working environment.Through consistent effort, accidents and occupational illnesses can be prevented and we believe that everyone within our organization shares responsibility for achieving a world-class level in occupational health and safety performance.

    We strive for an injury-free, illness-free work environment, with an emphasis on an injury-prevention mindset.

    Smart street lighting will help future-proof our cities






    Download now

    lead with led mh
    Lead with LED lighting

    The quickest, most visible way to make your city sustainable.
    make the green switch mh

    Make the Green Switch

    Take advantage of unprecedented opportunities of the Ten Point Plan for a Green Revolution — start with your lighting.

    walk the green walk mh

    Walk the green walk

    Reduce expenses, cut emissions, improve citizens' lives, and reach your sustainability goals.

    retrofit now mh
    Retrofit now

    Install our best-in-class connected LED lighting systems to combat climate change today.
    spread the green word mh

    Spread the green word

    The road to carbon neutrality is bright with LED lighting. Let your followers know.

    green switch mh

    The Green Switch program


    Our Green Switch program lets you take action using EU Green Deal funds today.

    Connected LED lighting is the key

    2020 covid emissions

    The 2020 COVID emissions dip wasn't enough


    There was a decline in carbon emissions during the pandemic, but it was merely a drop in the ocean. More is needed to see real change.

    the time to switch to LED

    The time to switch to LED is now


    In the UK’s Race to Zero, a green switch to LED lighting in the professional market could mean eliminating 3.9 million tonnes of CO2 emissions and saving a total of EUR 3.8 billion per year.

    how to combat European energy crisis

    How to combat the European energy crisis


    Here are 5 approaches municipalities can take to combat fossil fuel overdependency and soaring energy bills.

    The time for action is now — make the Green Switch today