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    Sonochromatic Scales: The sound of light

    Watch this webinar to explore the relationship between colour and sound and to learn about the creation of Harbisson's sonochromatic sense.
    Sound of Light


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    Presented by

    Neil Harbisson
    Neil Harbisson
    Neil Harbisson is a Catalan-raised, British-born contemporary artist and cyborg activist best known for having an antenna implanted in his skull and for being officially recognised as a cyborg by a government.

    Neil will talk about sonochromatic scales and the issues related to the transposition of color into sound. Sonochromatism is a neurological phenomenon in which colours are perceived as sounds. This phenomenon is created by the union between a brain and a colour-to-sound software or chip. People who report such experiences do not necessarily sense colour as a visual experience and are able to perceive colours outside the limits of human vision such as infrareds and ultraviolets.

    Key topics and learnings

    In this webinar, we will get a brief overview of different colour to sound theories since Aristotle, explore the relationship between colour and sound and learn in detail about the creation of Harbisson's sonochromatic sense. We will also get to learn about measuring the frequencies of color and sound. 


    Neil Harbisson is a Catalan-raised, British-born contemporary artist and cyborg activist best known for having an antenna implanted in his skull and for being officially recognised as a cyborg by a government. The antenna allows him to perceive colours that are outside human vision such as infrareds and ultraviolets as well as receive colours from space, images, videos, music or phone calls directly into his head via internet connection.


    Attend this webinar to learn how sound allows us to create colours that cannot be created through light and to understand how the device implanted in Neil's head transforms color into sound.

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