
    helpottaa LED-valaisimien huoltoa

    Huollettavuus on meille ensiarvoisen tärkeää tuotesuunnittelussa. LED-valaisinten huolto on erilainen perinteisiin valaisimiin verrattuna, ja sitä helpottamaan on kehitetty huoltotunniste (service tag). Huoltotunniste on jokaiselle valaisimelle erikseen suunniteltu QR-pohjainen tunnistejärjestelmä, joka antaa tietoa oikeaan aikaan siellä, missä sitä tarvitaan. QR-koodin skannaus antaa kaikki olennaiset tiedot valaisimen tai valaisinpylvään asennuksesta, huollosta ja varaosista. Tiedot tuotteen kokoonpanosta löytyvät helposti, mikä säästää arvokasta aikaa ja vähentää virheitä.

    Huoltotunnisteen hyödyt

    Asennus helpottuu, kun kaikki tiedot ja dokumentaatio on käden ulottuvilla
    Kunnossapito helpottuu, kun tiedot valaisimesta ja sen varaosista on heti saatavilla
    NFC-teknologian avulla voidaan ohjelmoida digitaalisia varaosia kuten LED-liitäntälaitteita

    Näin se toimii – Asennus

    Vaihe 1:

    Lataa Service tag -sovellus App storesta tai Play storesta mobiililaittelle (iOS tai Android).

    Vaihe 2:

    Rekisteröi valaisin skannaamalla pakkauksen tai valaisimen QR-koodi. Järjestelmä tunnistaa automaattisesti jokaisen valaisintyypin.

    Vaihe 3:

    Jos sinulla on useampi valaisin, ne voidaan yhdistää ryhmäksi sovelluksen avulla. Jokaisella ryhmällä on oma tulostettava QR-koodi. Koodin skannaamalla saa näkyviin kaikki ryhmään liitetyt valaisimet.

    Vaihe 4:

    Asennusohjeeseen pääsee kätevästi skannaamalla valaisimen QR-koodin.

    Näin se toimii ­– Huolto ja kunnossapito

    Vaihe 1:

    Service tag -sovelluksen avulla saat näkyviin valaisimen varaosat. Näin tilausta varten tarvittavat tiedot on nopeasti saatavilla.

    Vaihe 2:

    Varaliitäntälaitteen ohjelmointi onnistuu Service tag -sovelluksella helposti. Skannaa valaisimen QR-koodi, laita mobiililaitteesi varaliitäntälaitteen päälle ja paina ”Program”. Näin varaliitäntälaitteeseen ohjelmoidaan automaattisesti oikeat asetukset.

    Asennuksen seuranta Signifyn huoltotunnisteella


    Projektipäälliköt voivat seurata asennusprosessia Signifyn Service tag -sovelluksen kautta.



    • Tarkat asennustiedot auttavat projektin edistämisessä
    • Projektin tilan näkee yhdellä vilkaisulla, kuin myös data- ja karttapiirrokset
    • Projektista voidaan luoda raportteja käden käänteessä ja jakaa niitä sidosryhmien kanssa osana laskutusprosessia
    • Valaisimia voidaan seurata valaisintyypin mukaan, jotta varmistetaan, että valaisinten määritykset ovat kunnossa.

    Näin se toimii

    • Projektipäälliköt luovat projektin Service tag -sovelluksessa ja osoittavat sen asentajille kirjautumissähköpostin avulla
    • Asentajat kirjautuvat Service tag -sovellukseen ja rekisteröivät laitteet määrättyyn projektiin
    • Projektipäälliköt voivat seurata asennuksen etenemistä lähes reaaliajassa ja jakaa raportteja sidosryhmille

    Asennuksen seuraaminen Signifyn huoltotunnisteella tehostaa työnkulkua ja takaa korkeamman valmistumisasteen koko projektille.

    Lue lisääPiilota
    Installing solar street light

    Konfigurointi asennuksen jälkeen


    Mahdollisuus konfiguroida valaisin asennuksen yhteydessä paikan päällä on tärkeä ominaisuus kaikissa Philipsin ammattikäyttöön soveltuvissa ulkovalaisimissa Euroopassa. Koska tehdasasetuksilla on avoin lähdekoodi, valaisimet voidaan kustomoida ja konfiguroida suoraan asennuspaikalla tilaajan asettamien valaistusvaatimusten mukaan.


    Hyötyjä on mm.

    • yksinkertaistettu tilausprosessi: asiakas voi asettaa tarvittavat yksittäisen valaisimen säädöt asennuksen yhteydessä, jolloin valaisinversioita ei tarvita monia erilaisia 
    • mahdollisuus säätää valaisimet paikan päällä, jolloin saadaan täytettyä valaistusvaatimukset ja säästettyä energiaa samaan aikaan
    • virtaviivainen huoltoprosessi pilveen tallennettujen valaisintietojen ansiosta, joihin pääsee käsiksi Service tag -sovelluksella.

    Lataa ilmaiseksi


    Sovellus on saatavilla iOS- ja Android-laitteille, ja sen voi ladata alta:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Which mobile devices do we support?

    The Service tag app is supported by devices running on:

    •iOS version 14 and higher. It is compatible with iPhone and iPad.

    •Android version 9 and higher.  

    For programming drivers using NFC, we recommend using below set of mobile devices. These have been used in our validation process and verified for good user experience:

    •Samsung Galaxy A52 

    •OnePlus 6T 

    •Samsung Galaxy M32

    •Motorola Moto G60  

    Other suppliers like Huawei, Xiaomi and Redmi and LG might have unreliable behavior when used for programming Philips drivers via NFC using the service tag app running on Android 9 or higher.

    Which languages do we support?
    The shown language of the Service tag app is determined by the language of the mobile device. Default language is English. Other supported languages are Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
    In which countries is service tag app deployed?
    The Service tag app is available in more than 100 countries around the world. If the Service tag app is not listed in your local Playstore/AppStore, please contact your local representative.
    What’s the purpose of the group?
    During the luminaire registration process, you can group luminaires into a single group (e.g office, street or project or similar) with their own group QR code. By scanning the group QR, you see all luminaires that belong to the group. This group QR can be printed and stored for instance on an electrical cabinet in an office building. Similar to luminaires, the location of the group QR is determined by the GPS coordinates as provided by the mobile device.

    When you assign a luminaire to an existing group, the location of the luminaire is determined by the location of the group. This is relevant in case of indoor applications, where all luminaires will for instance be assigned to a group that can be found on an office floor or in an industry hall. You can change the location of a group at any time.  The location of the luminaires in the group will not be changed when the location of the group is changed.
    What’s the purpose of the registration functionality?
    To be able to make use of the all capabilities the luminaire needs to be registered.

    During registration of a luminaire with the Service tag app, the location of the luminaire is determined by the GPS coordinates of the mobile device. If the location is not accurate enough (according to the information provided by GPS), you can only manually set the position during the registration process of the luminaire. We recommend to register the luminaire at the location, where it will be mounted, as that is the location which will be eventually be visible in the asset management system (e.g. Interact City)

    You can always change the location of a registered luminaire at any time.

    Luminaires which will be connected to Interact City do not have to be registered manually. As part of the commissioning process in Interact City, these luminaires are automatically registered.
    Why does service tag has an External Id (since April 2021)?
    You can assign your own identifiers to luminaires with a service tag to set the relationship between Service tags and customer specific ids. This will simplify administration handling for customers.
    What’s the purpose of photos in service tag app?
    A photo made with service tag app is stored locally on mobile device and in the service cloud, assigned to the service tag. As it is stored in the cloud, it can be used for later purposes.
    What’s the purpose of notes in service tag app?
    Notes made with service tag app are stored locally on mobile device and in the service cloud, assigned to the service tag. Via the data delivery service, we can make this information available for you either in Interact City or in excel to be used in your own asset management system.
    Why using accessories with service tag app?
    If a luminaire has an accessory with a barcode/QR-code, with service tag app, you can assign the accessory to this luminaire to keep track of all luminaire related accessories. Primarily developed for Starsense Wireless RF, where service tag is part of the commissioning flow of the Starsense module. It can also be used for assigning other sensors to a luminaire, as long as the sensor has a unique QR code.
    Why do we have service parts with service tag?

    For each luminaire the list of available spare parts are shown. This list can be unique per luminaire.

    All relevant service parts (reference, description and type) relevant for a specific luminaire (service tag) are shown. The Service tag application recognizes eight different types of service parts






    •LED Board




    Service parts are ordered per type. By adding a part it is added to the cart, after which it can be sent to the relevant people for ordering.

    Which documents do we share with service tag?

    The following customer documents are made available to the customer.


    •Installation manual (sometimes called mounting instruction)

    •User manual

    •Service manual

    •Troubleshooting guide

    How can I see the specifications of a luminaire?
    By scanning the service tag, you can find specifications of the luminaire as produced in one of our factories around the globe.
    How can I get information of my assets (luminaires)?

    With Service tag data delivery service, we can provide you information about registered luminaires. This can either be Interact City or your own asset management system. In case you have your own asset management we will provide you an excel with relevant luminaire information (including location of the registered luminaire), via the data delivery service. Contact your local representative to get more information. This can either be a one-off exercise or repetitive, e.g. during the lifetime of a project.


    We can collect information using the following criteria:

    •GPS locations (e.g London area, identified by GPS coordinates

    •Interact City site name

    •Sales order

    Which brands does Service tag support?
    As Signify produces luminaires for multiple brands around the globe, (e.g. Hadco, Gardco & Philips) we changed the service tag style from Philips to Signify in 2019. Service tag supports the following brands: Philips, Gardco, Hadco, Lightolier, Lumec, NatureConnect, Stonco.
    Can I use program drivers using service tag?
    If the installer has the spare driver in his local warehouse, he can program the spare driver immediately, by putting the Android device (which supports NFC) near the NFC button of the driver, and presses program button. At that moment, the spare driver is programmed with the right settings of the spare driver. Even if the spare driver is not identical to the original driver. The luminaire will be programmed back to the factory settings. Data is being sent to the cloud and available for future purpose, e.g Interact City.
    What are requirements for labels?
    The service tag labels have been tested under extreme conditions of moisture, UV, heat, etc. We have been using them for many years on outdoor floodlights for example, and they have proven they can withstand the test of time. You can place the additional Service tag labels in the door of the mast or on the fuse box. They will be handy when you need to carry out future maintenance.

    Compared to alternatives, available in the market, Service tag is truly unique proposition. The Service tag (QR-code) does not only contain static information, such as the product description. Instead, it contains the Unique Identifier for this specific luminaire. This is a key that provides access to the whole dataset stored in the Cloud, with all granular information (date and location of production, detail and batch reference of critical components such as LEDs or drivers). This enables complete traceability of each and every product, now and in the future.
    Does Service tag preserve my privacy?
    To be able to use the Service tag app, you need to register yourself with an e-mail address.

    Signify makes use of trusted third-parties who act on behalf of Signify, in order to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and/or related technology required to run the App or the services provided.

    If Signify allows a third party to transfer your personal data outside of your geographic region, we will take steps to protect your privacy rights through the use of contractual arrangements or other means, which will provide a comparable level of protection while the information is being processed by our trusted third parties.

    Signify will disclose personal data only under this policy and/or when required by law. You may access your personal data at any time to request that it be amended, or object to the processing of your data by emailing us at
    What is late stage configuration?

    With this functionality customers can configure a luminaire by changing


    •Source lumen package (with related power factor)

    •Dimming profile of the original factory settings.


    These settings are stored in the cloud, so if a driver is failing over the years, we will provide a spare driver with the adjusted settings, so that he will have the same light output as before. This functionality is applicable for luminaires for the outdoor market in Europe, produced after August 2019.

    Can I use service tag using an NFC dongle to program drivers via NFC?
    If you have an Android device which is not capable of programming drivers using NFC, we have the possibility to connect your mobile device via Bluetooth to a Dongle which supports NFC. In that case you are still able of programming the driver of the luminaire using your mobile phone. Alternative of course, is you purchase a mobile phone which has the capabilities for programming drivers via NFC. See elsewhere in this page to get an overview of recommended mobile devices.

    If you have further questions, please contact your local representative to be found here.