El Green Switch europeo es la iniciativa de acción climática más completa del mundo, con objetivos ambiciosos de lograr un continente neutro en carbono para 2050 y reconducir la forma en la que consumimos nuestros recursos.
La iluminación LED y conectada, ofrece una forma sencilla de contribuir a los objetivos de este Pacto Verde, reduciendo emisiones, creando puestos de trabajo e impulsando la innovación.
Más información sobre Green Switch
At Signify, we are taking a leading role to bring better light to the world and to help provide a more sustainable future. We do this by delivering light which is energy efficient, saves resources, and improves lives. At Signify, we also ‘walk the talk’ and commit to becoming carbon neutral by 2020. We are driving our zero waste to landfill program, striving for a zero injury workplace, and are engaging suppliers for a sustainable supply chain.
At Signify, we are taking a leading role to bring better light to the world and to help provide a more sustainable future. We do this by delivering light which is energy efficient, saves resources, and improves lives. At Signify, we also ‘walk the talk’ and commit to becoming carbon neutral by 2020. We are driving our zero waste to landfill program, striving for a zero injury workplace, and are engaging suppliers for a sustainable supply chain.