

    A Signify safe disposal initiative

    What is PlanetWe?

    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is one of the world’s fastest-growing waste streams and we aim to reduce the landfill disposal of electrical and electronic waste from our end-of-life products.


    At PlanetWe, Signify is bringing an effective and efficient way to safely recycle and dispose end-of-life Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Through network of recyclers, we encourage the re-use, recovery, and recycling of relevant materials, which improves the environmental performance over the product lifecycle.

    Philips Bulb

    What is E-waste?


    Electronic Waste (E-Waste) means electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), whole or in part discarded as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer as well as rejects from manufacturing, refurbishment, and repair processes.


    From Signify’s business point of view it comprises of end of life electrical and electronics products such as LED bulbs, LED luminaires, LED Driver, electric fans, and fluorescent and other mercury containing lamps etc.

    Can e-waste pose problems to health and environment?


    E-waste can cause health risks and damage to environment if the E-waste is opened-up and attempts are made for retrieval of useful components or material in an un-scientific manner or if the material is disposed in open. The electronic and electrical equipment after their useful life may not cause any harm if stored safely in households/stores.

    What is composition of E-waste?


    E-waste contains useful material of economic benefit such as plastics, iron, glass, aluminum, copper, and other precious metals and also contains the hazardous substances such as – 

    1. Lead
    2. Mercury
    3. Cadmium
    4. Hexavalent Chromium
    5. Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)
    6. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)

    What is RoHS?


    ‘RoHS’ is the abbreviation for Reduction of Hazardous Materials in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment. The e-waste rules specify limit for hazardous substance in the components of electrical and electronic Equipment.

    What if a fluorescent lamp (tube light or CFL) breaks?


    Breaking a lamp is extremely unlikely to have any impact on your health. If a lamp breaks, ventilate the room for 30 minutes and remove the parts, preferably with gloves, do not use vacuum cleaner. Put the parts in a closed plastic bag and deposit it to an authorized e-waste recycling agency or to our collection network for its safe disposal.

    What should a consumer or bulk consumer do with end-of-life Electrical and Electronic Equipment?


    End of life products should be handed over to the registered recyclers, producers to ensure environmentally sound management of e-waste.


    You can deposit the end-of-life Electrical and Electronic Equipment placed by us in the market to our collection network to ensure that e-waste is managed in an environmentally sound management manner.


    To empower our consumers to actively participate in environmental sustainability through recycling and safe disposal of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), Signify has established a comprehensive network of collection points. Consumers can simply drop off their end-of-life EEE items at any of these designated points. Alternatively, they can contact us via email at or call us at 000 800 050 7777 (Toll Free) for guidance on locating their nearest collection point.


    By making it easy for consumers to recycle their EEE, Signify is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its products and promoting a more sustainable future.

    Collection Points :